Finance Monthly Magazine

Entrevista :: Professional Excellence :: Litigation

Artigo 30/11/2017

Finance Monthly Magazine

Escrito por Finance Monthly Magazine

Partner Marlene de Sousa Teixeira, em entrevista à Finance Monthly Magazine, sobre o contencioso em Portugal.


FM: Can you provide a brief overview of

the dispute resolution process in


M: The dispute resolution process in Portugal,
from a technical point of view, has considerably
evolved in the past. Being from a different
nature when compared to common law
countries, the process is based on Civil Law and
its general and abstract legal standards apply
to generality and abstraction of situations
and where judge-made law has a different
value than that of common law countries. This
results in better legal certainty in regards to
the different kind of economic players, since
the kind of interpretation of the ruling is also
determined legally.
In regards to less positive aspects, in Portugal,
we are faced with frequent delay in the delivery
of verdicts. However, this does not mean the
decisions are more or less fair, or that the
quality of the verdicts is not good enough.


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